Wednesday, November 30, 2011


went to watch Breaking Dawn with my favourite people :)) (Minus alice of course, I MISS YOU!!!!!!! AND YOUR MUMMY'S CHICKEN SAMMICHES! ah fuck now I'm hungry..)
It was pretty good.. for a "twilight" movie. Seriously, twilight was the shittiest, new moon was shitty, eclipse was shitty-ish so breaking dawn was pretty good based on those levels LOL. It is indeed true though.. the part where she gives birth is like listening to someone scratching their nails on a chalkboard. Ok maybe that's exaggerating but props to Kristen Stewart for screaming and writhing in pain like that.

Goma looks really groooooooovy. (Yes, I did just use that word.)

Got in trouble twice cause we weren't meant to take photos.. oops.

So cute and pretty and dreamy and wonderful. Just realised it looks like sarah's a pimp.. get in there tigerrrrr! Anyway.

Also made rap songs with briiidawg. I think it was, "Jason is his name. His face is lame. He can't AIM in the toilet. All he wants is fame." Pretty sure we have a bright future in the rap industry..
It was way funnier at the time. :(

You are driving me into panic, I know that you can’t understand it;
I’m constantly sinking, I’m no longer thinking so leave me alone when I’m frantic

1 comment:

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